Frequently asked questions

Is there a cost to join Spora Mommas?

Currently there is no cost to participate in Spora Mommas. We ask that you only participate actively.

How does a Spora doula support me?

You’ll get access to a maternal health concierge— a doula, who will be available one-on-one to support you throughout your journey.

The role of the doula is to virtually support you leading up to your delivery. They will not be present with you through labor and delivery.

Do I need to be in the same state as my Spora doula?

No, but the Spora doula will be certified in your state to be able to support you one-on-one in your maternal health journey.

What will I learn in Spora Mommas Bump Groups?

In 10 weeks, you’ll learn about topics from Prenatal Health & Nutrition to Birthing with Confidence to Postpartum Wellness. Learn more about what to expect from Bump Groups.

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